One place for hand-painted unique arts.

Do It Yourself kits

DIY art kits by Shunya

Happy to share that we recently launched our DIY art kits.

Our vision behind these art kits is to help art lovers to make their own art with ease under the supervision of experts.

Nandi head wall hanging


I'm elated with joy! I received the absolutely beautiful jewelry box you painted!!! I love it so much, I feel like it was Christmas opening the package, I was like a small child squealing with excitement! Thank you so very much! 

Pam Johnson (U.S.A)

I got my beautiful rocks today! wonderful beautiful stones and you did such a wonderful job painting them!

Deborah Haltiwanger (U.S.A)

Two beautiful clocks arrived yesterday and brightened up an otherwise dull day instantly! Loved the artwork, the symmetry and the effort put in. I am waiting for more wonderful creations to pop up to gift my family:)

Kameshwari Padmanabhan (India)

Shunya's Blog

Collaboration of Shunya with IIT Kanpur Antaragini

Collaboration of Shunya with IIT Kanpur Antaragini

I am more than delighted to share this news today . IIT Kanpur has collaborated with Shunya as a Dream on partner for their Annual fest Antaragini. I will be judging the 'My Mandala' competition of Antaragini' 21.

Blog posts

दीवार की घडी कैसे बनाए ? (भाग 2) (हिंदी में)

दीवार की घडी कैसे बनाए ? (भाग 2) (हिंदी में)

आइये मेरे साथ बनते हैं ये दिवार घडी 

रंग चाहिए: पीला, लाल, नारंगी, स्वर्ण, बैगनी, मैजेंटा, सफेद ,नीला

डॉटिंग टूल : (​​... )


कृपया मुझे बताएं आपको यह चित्र कैसा लगा? प्रतिक्रिया दे| मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें और वीडियो को लाइक करें | धन्यवाद |

Painting this Asymmetrical Mandala Design..

Painting this Asymmetrical Mandala Design..

Let's make a beautiful DIY Dot Mandala Asymmetrical wall plates. Materials Needed: Wooden plates Dimension 12 inches diameter.

Fine dotting dots and bamboo tools. 

Shunya's Dot mandala tools

Marking Pencil.


दीवार की घडी कैसे बनाए ? (भाग 1) (हिंदी में)

दीवार की घडी कैसे बनाए ? (भाग 1) (हिंदी में)

आइये मेरे साथ बनते हैं ये दिवार घडी 

रंग चाहिए: पीला, लाल, नारंगी, स्वर्ण, बैगनी, मैजेंटा, सफेद ,नीला

डॉटिंग टूल : (​​... )


कृपया मुझे बताएं आपको यह चित्र कैसा लगा? प्रतिक्रिया दे| मेरे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करें और वीडियो को लाइक करें | धन्यवाद |